Thursday, August 8, 2013

Exercise and Commentary 5.

Exercise and Commentary 5.

SEE! More or less the same idea, but completely different! This is why writing is so much fun.
I am starting to feel a little better about writing now. It is actually fun when you sit down and make yourself do it!

Maybe that is what I have been forgetting. Maybe I have been forgetting that it is supposed to be fun. And that doing it for the sake of doing it is the point on its own. That I shouldn’t be so worried about things like “being any good” or writing things that “make some goddamn sense”.

This has been a good day that we have spent here together today and I have enjoyed doing this writing, as bad as it may be. It is good to sit here and smash some words together.

If you have read all of this stuff today, then I applaud you and thank you for your patience.

Maybe now I can start getting down to some real writing soon.


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