Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Workplace Haiku! For You!

So I have been on a haiku kick today. This is unfortunate for all of us because I am so very, very bad at haiku (its 5 – 7 – 5, right?).

But sometimes I’m at work and I just get struck by the desire to write some embarrassing workplace haiku.

Here is some:

I work with Excel
and move numbers a lot.
So I can pay rent.

A spreadsheet is made
of lots of little white cells
and I am in one.

I drink cold coffee
and work quietly all day
and dream of quitting.

I will get a job
on a ship or herding sheep
anyplace but here.

But it’s not that bad.
The AC is nice and cool.
and my chair is good.

I try not to bitch.
Keep my nose to the grindstone,
but I’ve ground it off.

But back to Excel,
it’s waiting expectantly
for me to work more.

Back to work I go,
high ho, high ho. Tomorrow
I should call in sick!


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