Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I Miss The West Wing.

This evening President Obama was heckled by some gay rights activists. I wish that they didn’t behave that way because it makes the Left seem as dumb and loud as the Right, but I understand the complaint and I sympathize. Anyway, it got me thinking about gay rights in general and so my brain eventually circled back around to this scene from The West Wing where President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) excoriates a Leviticus-quoting stand-in for Dr Laura Schlessinger.

God, I miss The West Wing so much.



Lisa Kerr said...

Does your tag really say "Republicans are terrible?" lol I remember this clip. Excellent.

queer_theory said...

Thank you for posting this. I'm currently preparing to wade through the online discussion for the cultural diversity class I'm taking, and I need the sanity boost. This is what I get for going to college in the Bible Belt.