Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wild Blue Yonder.

Wild Blue Yonder
by james bezerra

Let’s open a casino together!
Because we have been business partners forever
and we already share a financial ledger.
What’s the worst that could happen?

We’ll need to name the place!
And I already have a great space,
it’s an old Air Force base!
I don’t see how this plan can miss!

We will convert an empty hanger
into a sparkling casino floor
and when we need more space, we’ll convert some more.
I got it! We’ll call the place, “Wild Blue Yonder!”

So if you’ll just sign
on this bank document’s dotted line
then they’ll be fine
opening our line of credit.

Oh, well see, it has to be in your name.
Remember I was playing that tax evasion game?
I thought it was fun. The IRS didn’t feel the same.
Turns out they have no sense of humor.

No! Don’t worry, its fine!
IRS has already levied the fine.
I will pay it with the profits that are mine,
once we start this here casino.


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