Monday, August 2, 2010

Republicans Are Terrible.

So you probably haven’t noticed because I’m sure that you have better things to do, but I recently added that word cloud thing down on the bottom right hand side of this here blog. All of those words and phrases are tags that I have used on my past posts and it seems that they are kind of organized based on amount of usage.

I only point this out because – apparently – one of my most frequently used tags is, “Republicans are terrible”.

I am quite proud of this because it happened quite accidently.

So anyway, to recap: Republicans are terrible.
(I hate to make such a broad generalization and usually wouldn’t be so comfortable doing it, but in this case, I am okay with it. I don’t think that every single Republican is necessarily terrible, but that’s the point. You and I could be fast friends, but when you decide to be a Republican and to identify yourself that way, you’re no longer standing with me, you’re standing with the Sarah Palins and the Tom Coburns and the Rick Santorums of the world. When you register Republican or vote for them or give them money, you are supporting all of their worst elements, the people who oppose gay marriage, who oppose a woman’s right to control her own body, who oppose extending unemployment benefits during the worst economic crunch that you and I are ever going to live through, who oppose fixing our healthcare system. These people are terrible and obstructionist and simply corrosive to the collective soul of our country. And so that’s why they’re terrible. And that is why I will proudly use the tag again right now.)


1 comment:

queer_theory said...

Amen to that. I think it's a fair generalization to make, given the current political climate.

(Forgive me if you get this comment three times. Blogger has been giving me all sorts of grief.)
