I often wonder if the algorithms that power my Pandora have names. Sometimes I like to try to make up their names myself.
This one right now is probably called, “Relatively Obscure Early 2000’s Bands Fronted by Strong Female Vocalists, Obviously Owing to Blondie and The Pretenders.” : The Faders followed by Morningwood followed by The Sounds.
This was one from earlier today: “I Bet When that One Song of Yours Was On The Radio All The Goddamn Time You Never Guessed That You Would Never Get Another Song On the Radio” : The Presidents of the United States of America followed by Fastball followed by Vertical Horizon.
(The editors here at Standardkink would like to ask: Hey! Remember Vertical Horizon? Wow, that was a long time ago, huh? And wow, yeah, they were just kinda a Dishwalla rip-off anyway … Hey! Remember Dishwalla? Wow, that was a long time ago, huh? Man, that “Counting Blue Cars” song was pretty cool, right? Too bad the rest of that album sucked. Do you think they’re still together? Dude! We would TOTALLY go to a Dishwalla reunion concert!)
Here is one that my Pandora has been doing a lot lately: “While Many Dirty Hipsters Will Vehemently Disagree, It Is Possible That All of These Bands and All of These Songs Are, In Reality, Just One Guy Singing The Same Song Over and Over Again“ : Bon Iver followed by Ray LaMontagne followed by Iron & Wine.
And this is one of my recent favorites: “Listening To All of This Will Probably Make You Feel So Cool That It Is A Little Bit Dangerous” : Handsome Boy Modeling School followed by The Black Keys followed by The Mountain Goats (this was a pretty odd combination and I was very proud of my Pandora for coming up with it).
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