You have convinced me; all these foreigners do is come to America, take drugs, take our jobs and have anchor babies.

Also, here are few headlines that I was expecting to see this morning but didn’t:
Schwarzenegger: having been born in foreign country now only the second biggest reason he can never be President.
Schwarzenegger’s popularity plummets to Last Action Hero low.
Former California Governor announces, “I no longer have to act like I’m a decent person. And BTW, fuck off.”
Schwarzenegger claims he did not father illegitimate child, but rather donated DNA to a secret government program to create a test tube super-soldier, but in reality created two test tube babies, one of which is comically large and the other of which is comically small.
Some poor child discovers Arnold Schwarzenegger is his father. Viewings of the Terminator series take on startling new dimensions.
Aging Action Star Magazine names someone other than Mel Gibson as “Douche Bag of the Year” for the first time ever.
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