Monday, April 20, 2009


So do you want to hear something sad?

I have not received a single mass-email, MySpace bulletin, or Facebook update concerning the fact that today is 4/20.

It seems like that should be a good thing, right?

Well it is not. It means that I have turned the corner and I am now a stupid adult person. Gone are the totally high, wantabe indie musicians who used to hang out in my living room that didn’t have any furniture. Gone are the so-serious emo girls who used to come over and drink my wine. Gone are the days of watching the sun come up while eating the last of the maraschino cherries straight out of the jar, drinking Early Times straight out of the bottle, and using zig-zags to roll new cigarettes using just the butts in the ash tray.

Good bye sweet youth!

Good bye cops at the door and friends who need to stash mysterious lock-boxes in my air conditioning vents!

Oh we had some good times.

Anyway, I guess that it means you are all grown up when you don’t even have any annoying pot friends anymore.

Now, the pot was never my thing (I’m a drinker) but it is part of the culture. Oh! Goodbye angsty youth culture!

I’m going to go listen to RENT and put on La Boheme and cry into my beer.

The worst part?

I found out that today is 4/20 when NPR told me.

Oh, the awful shame.

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