Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Thinking Face Visits Monterey

Here is a picture of Violet and I.

Look at what a good picture it is. That’s because she is good at this stuff. Below is a picture that makes me totally look like I’m thinking deeply about something, but all I’m really thinking about is how cool I will look since I am making my thinking face.

We drove up the coast to Monterey recently. You should check out her Flickr. You seriously have to look at the jelly fish.

Man, they are strange, strange creatures. If you watch them long enough, you start to think about how odd and fickle evolution must be, but if you continue to watch them, you start to think that anything is possible, and not is some chicken-soup-for-the-soul, daily-affirmations kind of way, but in a very real way; in a holy-shit-jelly-fish-are-real-and-who-could-have-seen-that-coming! kind of way.

Or maybe they don’t make you think about possibilities at all.

Either way, they are very pretty and you should looked at Violet's pictures.

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