Monday, March 30, 2009

There's no I in CIA. Oh, wait ...

Holy Hell Yeah Batman!

Guess who is recruiting RIGHT NOW! Guess who is hiring!


No, that’s totally wrong! (did you not see the CIA seal at the top of this post?)

It is the CIA. The Central fricken’ Intelligence Agency is looking for you! And me! Well, more me than you, but you should totally still apply.

Specifically they are looking for people with foreign language skills, so Violet and I are going to go get one of those Rosetta Stone things and learn us some Icelandic! Because who wants to end up in Lebanon or the Khyber Pass when Reykjavik needs protecting too!

We have a whole plan already: Violet and I are going to run the CIA Station in Iceland so that we can live in one of those ice hotels and she can take a lot of pictures and I can write the quintessential Icelandic espionage novel (can you say harrowing climatic foot chase on a glacier?)

Anyway, here is an article about the
CIA’s recruitment efforts.

And here is the address where Violet and I will be living:
1 CIA Street
Icelandia, Iceland, 12345

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