Friday, April 23, 2010

Coolest Study Ever!

So the truth is that I don't actually care why these "scientists" strapped GPS beacons to birds, but I do very much find it awesome that these birds are wearing backpacks!

I like to think that instead of carrying GPS beacons the bags were full of books and the birds are on their way to a bird house somewhere that is painted up to look like a school.

Or maybe one of the birds is like the drug dealer bird and so he always has his bag. OR! Maybe they are going hiking. OR! maybe they are going mountain climbing! OR! maybe they are going camping.

What do you think that the tailor said when these "scientists" showed up and were all like, "Yeah, we need forty tiny backpacks. For birds."



I got a little excited there.

Read all about it here. At NPR. Because I'm pretentious.

And thanks to Violet for finding this particular gem. It's ironic though, because she hates pigeons. With a completely unreasonable passion. She steps on them all the time. She is a pigeon murderer. A murderer of pigeons.


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