Monday, February 9, 2009

The Economy, Nancy Grace, Our Attention Spans, Totally Blow

They say that you campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

It is hard to get people to care about economics and even harder to get them to stop and LISTEN when it is being explained.

Man, watching the President’s press conference, I was very much reminded of how much I hate the American media.

You know what else makes me hate our media and want to throw things at it? The fact that Nancy Grace has a TV show. Now I have real and true hatred in my heart for Bill O’Reilly and all the other screaming right-wing sycophants, but (maybe because she is on when I get home from work) Nancy Grace makes me just sad. Here is a women who was a professional and a person who worked in the real world, but even her head exploded when they pointed a camera at her.



Digress much?

I think my point was simply that we finally have a president who is thoughtful and articulate and, by comparison, the Press just isn’t. It is sad. But I guess, at the end of the day, the NEWS - like art – is a function of commerce and they gotta sell ad space to pay the rent just like anybody else. So if no one watches thoughtful and articulate news shows, then there won’t be any.

So, as with most things, this is our fault. Yours and mine (but mostly yours! No, mine too. I guess).

So I’m sorry.

I watched one too many Geraldos and look what happened.

But I thought the President did well. I’m not one to drink the Kool Aid, but I think he is doing about as well as any human being could be doing right now.

Maybe that should have been the point when I started writing this.

Again, sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really as a Canadian I look to the new president with so much respect. I know it sounds cheesy but when he was sworn in I actually started crying. I think more because I finally felt proud of something the American government was doing. Your so right though. He is just so easy to hear out. Articulate. Well spoken, and not to mention a little sassy and dare I say attractive hehe.
