I hesitate to call the thing below a story. More accurately it is a dramatization of my notes from class tonight where we were talking about a literary theory called Deconstruction. Deconstruction is probably my favorite theory because it is simultaneously ridiculous and undeniably profound. It is massively confusing and dense and if there was an easy way to explain it then I wouldn’t have spent the last two weeks of my life reading about it, but here I will do my best to sum it up:
In a language where everything is defined by what it is not (a dog is not a cat or a racoon or a chair or a horse) then the actual thing (a dog) doesn’t appear to have any inherent uniqueness wholeness or meaning on its own (Try to describe a dog to someone who doesn’t know what a dog is. Make sure your description is accurate to ALL dogs and that you do not describe ALL dogs by comparing them to things they aren’t).
Anyway, this crazy Frenchman came up with Deconstruction and he was both cool and a complete asshole in the way that only Bond villains are usually able to pull off.
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