Saturday, August 23, 2014

Better Life.

If you’re like me and sometimes you just want the cold, hard numbers, then you should check out a thing called the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). They have an ongoing project called the OECD Better Life Index.

Basically it is an attempt to rank and index the aspects of life that tend to get left out of a standard census. The project wants to know how you feel. It is kind of cool and very easy to contribute. Just go to the website and use their little sliders to indicate how happy you are about your job, your income, your safety. You can also look and see how your answers compare to other countries. You can also look at an overview of personal and economic data for various countries.

Now I lied a little before, this isn’t really about cold, hard numbers. If you want those then just go to the the US Census Bureau. I like to hang out in the Data Visualization Gallery!


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