Friday, May 11, 2012


I have been doing a lot of thinking and reminiscing as of late; thinking about life and the places I have been, the people I have known and the things I have done. It has put me in a positively terrible mood!

Or, I suppose it might be true, that I have just been in a sour mood anyway lately. In fact, I know that I have been.

There are a lot of reasons for this. I won’t bother you with the details, but I think that I have been going through something lately. Perhaps it is a kind of growing pain. I’m stuck, strung in that weird place now where I am not only a grown up, but not exactly the youngest of men anymore, and it is forcing me to take stock of some things. The fact of the matter is that I’m in my thirties and have roommates, so you know that my life hasn’t exactly gone according to plan! That being said though, I could afford to live on my own, I just enjoy having people around. Back to the point though: I have been a little in a sort of sad and introspective and lonely mood as of late.

Don’t fret though; it isn’t like I’m crying into my beer all the time or anything. Over time I have discovered that I get seriously bogged down with my own blustery thunder clouds at least once a year. So this just is what it is, I suppose. I’m not depressed, like clinically or anything, but I’m just feeling … what is the word … think think think … unhappy? Unfulfilled? Morose? Or maybe I am just being introspective and that makes one melancholy ... or maybe I just need more calcium in my diet?

That’s probably it, the calcium thing. Yep.


1 comment:

John Petter said...
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