Saturday, April 21, 2012

Things that I Know Are Wrong but Which I Still Always Initially Think I Know to be True.

Things that I know are wrong but which I still always initially think I know to be true:

That Ricardo Montalban was also a racecar driver.

That Willie Nelson used to be in Hall and Oates.

That Ryan Seacrest started out as an MTV VJ.

That all of the dinosaurs were all alive at the same time.

That the guy that played Harry on “Night Court” had a cocaine problem and that’s why the show really got cancelled.

That the O.C. is still on TV and that I just stopped watching it.

That Luke Wilson is also in “Armageddon”.

That I know the names of all of the Hawaiian Islands, or how many of them there are.

That I have been to Chicago.

That World War II was going on the whole damn time that Roosevelt was President.

That I can remember how to make French Toast.

That America got into space first.

That Julia Roberts and Keifer Sutherland are still together.

That Mark Hamill did the voice of KIT on Night Rider.

That Magellan got all the way around the world (he was actually killed in the Philippines, but the ships got home safely).


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