Friday, March 11, 2011

It’s a Game!

I meant to post this when the Oscars were happening, but didn’t. Sorry.

Match up the Best Picture nominee to its brief plot description!

1) 127 hours
2) King’s speech
3) Toy story 3
4) Social network
5) Winter’s bone
6) Inception
7) The Fighter
8) Black Swan
9) The Kids Are All Right
10) True Grit

A) Totally irresponsible hiker ends up in gut-wrench situation of his own making, cuts off own arm.

B) Stuttering monarch learns the value of friendship, boldly leads nation into worst war ever, is quickly forgotten by history, cuts off own arm.

C) Team of toys learns bitter lessons about the fickleness of love, escapes from concentration-camp style pre-school, cut off own arms.

D) Emotionally stunted jerk computer programmer steals idea for website, angers Winklevosses, cuts off own arm.

E) Poor white people use a lot of methamphetamine in the cold, cut off own arms.

F) You can’t get Leonardo DiCaprio’s regrettably bad “acting” out of your head, you cut off own arm.

G) Christian Bale uses a lot of crack in Boston, cuts off own arm.

H) Emotionally stunted ballerina employs Method acting, causes Google searches for “Mila Kunis & Natalie Portman” to increase by fifteen hundred thousand percent, cuts off own arm.

I) Ultra modern family deals with life, raises kids, cut off own arms.

J) Quirky, dirty cowboys pursue outlaw; no arms are cut off.


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