Thursday, March 23, 2017

Vignette City 4.

*** ‘Vignette City’ is an ongoing project of daily writing and urban photography ***

The news says The Mayor is upset again. Apparently his plan to build a wall around the city would cost more money than the city has. He posted a video in the middle of the night and he started by talking about the wall and how it would keep us safe, but partway through he seemed to get distracted by something and he started talking about a TV show and then he got up and went to his desk to get something, but then he seemed to forget what he was looking for and he just started cleaning dust off the pile of papers on his desk. And then he just pushed all the papers onto the floor and set them on fire. But the fire set off the smoke alarm and people rushed into his office and started blasting the pile with white jets from fire extinguishers and on the video I could hear him yelling, “What is this?! This is TERRIBLE! Somebody started a fire in here! Do you see this fire?” But by then the fire was out and I couldn’t really see anything on screen except for the gritty fogbanks of white extinguisher plumes floating around The Mayor’s office. “How am I supposed to get anything done in here?” The Mayor bellowed at someone, though it was unclear who.


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