Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nutzy and Alone.

Living alone is very strange.

The dudes who live across the way from my sliding door don’t always wear shirts and the women who live across from my bedroom window tend to keep their blinds closed, so I feel like I am getting the fuzzy end of that lollipop.

Also, I am alone quite a lot. It is driving me a little nutzy. Or rather, I am driving me a little nutzy.

I think I will feel better once I can successfully get a routine down. I will say this about not having a job: IT IS AWESOME! However one’s motivation starts to wane after awhile and that makes it very easy to just sit on the couch all of the time. But sitting on the couch all of the time is part of what drives me nutzy.

Everyone I talked to before starting classes advised me not to take too many classes, but right now I am kind of wishing that I had taken more.

Yesterday was a good day; I did all the reading I was supposed to do, I did all of the school work I was supposed to do, I went to class, and I even did some writing for myself (which has not been happening alot lately).

Today though I have been super lazy. And yes, I am ashamed of myself. ish.


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