Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kingdom on Moonrise.

I went to see the new Wes Anderson movie “Moonrise Kingdom” and I was so very very happy with it that I simply wanted to say so out loud on the internet so that everyone can see that I do not - in point of fact - hate everything.

I’ll spare you the spoilers and my personal English degree take on the whole thing and just say that it is exactly like what we have all come to expect from Wes Anderson only a little bit better. It is essentially a love story about two teens who fall into the sort of fully committed and completely, thoughtlessly dedicated kind of love that one really ever only sees in movies (I mean, come on, even Marshall and Lilly have their rough patches), but even accepting that I will admit that I got a tiny bit misty eyed right there at the end.

I will admit that “Fantastic Mr. Fox” is one of my favorite movies (I’m sure my imaginary therapist would have a lot to say about that), but I believe it is possible that “Moonrise Kingdom” may actually be a better movie.

Certainly some of you will go see it and shrug it off as “cute” and then go about your day. Well that’s fine. It just means you’re dead inside.


OH! One more thing! Bruce Willis is in “Moonrise Kingdom” and let me tell you, the Bruce Willis in this movie would NEVER have been able to hit his 800 feet drill depth on that Armageddon-ish asteroid as it hurtled toward Michael Bay’s Earth. No way. Or run barefoot through a field of broken glass. Or dyed his hair blonde in order to assassinate the First Lady*.

*That was in the movie “The Jackal” which is either the most awesome campy action movie ever or one of the worst completely earnest movies ever. I can never decide.


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