At the Grocery Store
by james bezerra
Does this ever happen to you? Because it happens to me a lot. I'll be standing in the grocery store with a few completely necessary but totally boring things in my basket and I'll be looking at the paper towels or whatever and suddenly be overcome by a complete nihilistic feeling of loneliness and dread and emptiness. I'll look around at all of the aisles of shiney wrapped and packaged things and think to myself: Do I ever really need any of this? Do any of us really need any of this? We're just going to buy it and use it and then need it again and have to come back and buy it again and oh my god is that really all that there is to existence? I'm only going to get like eighty or so years on this planet and how much of that time will I spent standing here trying to decide which paper towel is a better value? While meanwhile I'm actually just standing on a huge rock in space which is filled with lava and a core of iron so hot that it is literally a spinning pool of liquid? Liquid iron, are you fucking kidding me? There is no way that is safe. And that giant rock is shooting through space at some unimaginable velocity but that doesn't even matter because it is still just a prisoner to an even larger ball of burning gas. And how fucking ungodly big does a ball of gas have to be in order to burn for billions of years? I mean, a really good log burns for like and hour tops and that's actually made of solid wood. And our sun is TINY when compared to other stars out there which we know to exist but which I will never even get to see with my own eyes.
And so what the hell is the point of anything I am even trying to do here right now in this grocery store?
Do you know how many times I've put away all of the stuff that I'd just put into my basket and walked out of the grocery store completely broken and sad and alone?
This probably explains why I have so little food in my kitchen.
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