Thursday, July 2, 2015

Music is Sex. It Just Is.

Music is Sex. It Just Is.
by james bezerra

Slinky black dress you wore
and the hem that pooled
in puddles on the marble floor
around your ankles
while you played that piano
with just the tippy tips of your fingers
and the scores inside your eyelids
and I think I alone noticed
the muscles in your calves twitch
on the deeper notes
with your old ballerina instinct.
And I stood there in a suit,
sipped wine like ink
and watched the way
your body throbbed
just a little
when your mind went away.
And how did no one else know
you came just a little
right there at the end
when the crescendo peaked
like you do
and fast
and hard
and a little sad
and then gone.
Fancy christmas cocktail party people clapped a little,
said you played well,
didn’t know
you didn’t know
they were even there.
Didn’t know
you didn’t play for them,
didn’t know
you’d just fucked Vivaldi right there in front on them.


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