Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bad Hammer

Bad Hammer
by james bezerra
I don’t trust people
who use the word
who invoke Hegel.
Which is odd;
I like having
a stiff drink
with a good Marxist,
adore the teenage-y angst of
a mustachioed Nietzschean,
I can even hang with
people who quote
Kierkegaard –
just not in the mornings
before I’ve had
my coffee.
But those simulacrumists
lodge a bur into my brain
like a grain of sand
in a sandwich.
I also dislike the use of the word “cacophony”
because it costs ten dollars
and doesn’t actually do a good job describing anything;
it’s a bad hammer.
How can you trust a guy
who listens to a bag of bolts roll down a staircase
and who chooses to use the word
“cacophonous” as if it’s good enough?


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