Sunday, March 8, 2015

Going Granola.

One of the more hippie-dippie, granola, lefty-liberal, tree-hugging, whale-saving things I like to do is read the blog Zen Habits. It is written by a guy named Leo Babauta who I learned about because he often comes up in other blogs I read about minimalism. I know nothing about Babauta except that I enjoy his blog. I am skeptical of him for the simple reason that I am always skeptical of anyone who appears to have answers for unanswerable questions, but that has more to do with me than with him. He seems like a decent and legit dude. Aside from that I try to forget that there is a person writing his blog, just like I can only read a novel nowadays if I force myself to forget that it has an author.

Anyway, so that was a pretty long disclaimer, wasn’t it?

All I really wanted to post was this thing below, which is his brief guide of what he calls "reminders" for life.

I have found more peace in life since I started doing most of these things. When I started doing them I did not really have names for them and I didn’t know that there were cheerleaders available for them. So I’m posting them below because maybe they’ll make your journey through life a little easier. Or not, whatever.

less TV, more reading
less shopping, more outdoors
less clutter, more space
less rush, more slowness
less consuming, more creating
less junk, more real food
less busywork, more impact
less driving, more walking
less noise, more solitude
less focus on the future, more on the present
less work, more play
less worry, more smiles


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