Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just Garbage.

There are many ways in which I know that I need a new job. One of the most striking is that fact that I have recently found myself romanticizing the life of a garbage truck driver. They drive around all day, arm lazily perched out the window of the cab. They get to travel around, see interesting places, perform a quick task using some state of the art hydraulics and then they are off! Back out there into the world.

It should be noted here that I don’t really even like driving and I certainly have no love of garbage, yet I still find myself thinking that driving a garbage truck would be cool. Plus, just think of all of the fun and interesting stuff you will encounter! I imagine that a garbage truck driver is constantly looking at some complete dining room set left by a dumpster and scratching his head and asking no one, “Why would they want to throw this out?” I would like to live in a world where garbage truck drivers are universally known for having really well appointed homes, on account of all the great stuff they find during the day.

Anyway, I clearly need a new job, because fantasizes like these tend to weird out even me.


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