Thursday, October 24, 2024

Look at this non-phone picture I took!


Lately I have been playing around with a VERY old Lumix GH1 and after numerous fits and starts, I finally got it to turn on and finally got a lens that was the right size, and finally got a memory card that it liked, and after taking approximately one million poorly focused photos of my cat, I was finally able to get a single halfway okay picture out of the entire endeavor. This is that picture. Is it any better than it would be if I'd taken it with a phone? Probably not. Was it worth all of the time and energy and frustration? Not really. But I like it.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Like a Bolt Out of the Blue.

"In Heathrow a vast chunk of memory detached itself from a blank bowl of airport sky and fell on him. He vomited into a blue plastic canister without breaking stride."
- Count Zero, William Gibson

Like a bolt out of the blue, I just now remembered that this blog exists and that I can write whatever I want on it whenever I want. And the best part? No one will EVER READ IT. Because no one reads blogs anymore.  I love that for me. There are few things better for the soul than toiling in obscurity.

Not kidding, like I know that I have this weirdo little website and everything, but I do not know that I have thought about it in eons. 

Just now it occurred to me that I should see if I can even still log in. And guess what? I can.

This is very exciting for me. 

(Gawd, I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to format on this thing)


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Captain Space Pirate, Adrift

Captain Space Pirate, Adrift

Captain Space Pirate is adrift out past Neptune. His holds filled with pilfered energon of the wrong formulation to power the ship. The crew went quiet when the engines went quiet and went quieter still when the lights went dim. This is not a proud day for Captain Space Pirate.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Captain Space Pirate, Leaves

Captain Space Pirate, Leaves

Captain Space Pirate, freshly docked, ordered a round for his crew and for the briefest of moments thought that he registered in the eye of the bartendress a glint of recognition. By the time the steins were filled, their ship was already pulling away from the airlock.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Captain Space Pirate, Moon

Captain Space Pirate, Moon

Captain Space Pirate, finally in orbit of Venus, learns for the first time that the planet Venus has no moons. Quietly he gives the order to the Weapons Bay to power down the very expensive Moon Blaster 7000. Down the narrow steel hall from the Weapons Bay he hears a disdainful chortle from one of the crew. Probably Sven.


Monday, February 5, 2024

Captain Space Pirate, Traumatized

 Captain Space Pirate, Traumatized

Captain Space Pirate, never one for routine maintenance, has not been inspecting the seal on the helmet of the suit of his new parrot and so suffered the entirely preventable trauma of watching Archibald expire while reconnoitering the hull of a freighter out past the Galilean moons.


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Captain Space Pirate, Eroding

 Captain Space Pirate, Eroding

Captain Space Pirate finds solace in a single pink grain of sand he found on the floor of his cell. Licked his finger and pressed it to the grain of sand. Held his fingertip just beyond his nose. Wondered from where in the solar system such a grain would have come. Wondered how it had made it to this cell. On whom? And what their fate might have been. He rolls the grain between his thumb and forefinger, eroding it into just a pink nothing.
