Thursday, November 3, 2016

Writing on Writing and George Orwell.

For one of my classes we had to write a “manifesto” which answers/grapples with the age-old question always posed to writers who are in classrooms: Why I Write.

Yes, I know that is not a question.

You can blame George Orwell for all this, he wrote the first truly famous modern why-I-write essay, cleverly titled, “Why I Write”, and writing students at all levels, in all places, and all at all times since have been asked to write their own. This time though, there was a twist! It had to be either in the form of a manifesto or a (self) interview. I went with the manifesto form because it is more malleable (a manifesto is whatever I say it is!) and because not even I am arrogant enough to write a fake interview with myself and then ask other people to read it.

My “manifesto” is below.

A note: I did not write it to be read online and it is going to be frustrating unless you read it in two tabs in your browser and ain’t nobody got time for that.


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