Monday, January 16, 2012

New Mythical Creatures!

Some new mythical creatures I would like to propose:

The Basque-ilisk! A legendary serpant that can cause death with a single glance, but which is also Basque!

The Cutie Death Cab! A seemingly sweet and innocuous auto-creature that kills you by making you re-live every sweet memory of past relationships!

The Harp-y! An evil, angry winged witch creature which snatches food from you but instead of a body it has just tight strings stretched perpendicularly to its soundboard!

The Drag-on! Looks like a person, sounds like a person, but insists on telling every story in the longest and most maddeningly redundant way possible as it proceeds to make every story far too long and maddeningly redundant as it it explains them over and over in a way which is maddeningly redundant and far too long!

The Thomas Kincade –o-con! A muted pastel monster which descends like a fog over the land and makes everything seem more ideal and pink than it really is!

(Really Thomas Kincade? You felt that Disneyland needed to be idealized?)


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