Friday, February 8, 2019

80 Million Years, or so.

This is just a quick love note to the fantastic and absolutely essential Kate Wagner who runs the always amazing McMansion Hell.

Her work is so necessary in this weird period of late stage Capitalism, but occasionally she riffs on people who are more in my orbit and I utterly love her for it:

Everybody who has been to college (or even a coffee shop near a college) knows that guy who pretends to be a beat poet and thinks that smoking joints in public and treating women like garbage makes him extremely cool and talented. The sixties were 80 million years ago and yet beatnik cosplayer dudes remain their longest-running export. (Stuff with The Beatles on it is the second longest running export.)
From McMansion Hell
“Rockwall County (House 16): AKA Satellite of Nub”

*** Join us next week as our team of resident scientists tell us what other materials can be used as as kitty litter! ***


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