Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Happy May Day!

I heard a great saying today:

“Don’t let the camel stick its nose in your tent.”

It’s one of those great sayings because the first alf doesn’t make sense unless you know the second half, or unless you know alot about camels, which all of us here do, obviously.

But for the camel laymen lying about, the second half is: “because pretty soon the whole camel will be in your tent.”

And all of us here with first hand camel knowledge know that the last thing you want is a camel in your tent.

So now I’m going to start saying - as I make my way around rainy damp Portland, Oregon these last few months -  “Don’t let the camel stick its nose in your tent!”

I’m going to start saying it on the train in the morning to the woman who is always doing her makeup on the train in the morning.

PS: I don’t need to explain the metaphor here, right? It’s basically: give a mouse a cookie, but with camels. And tents. And less general understanding. Which is how I like my metaphors. Which is why no one reads my books.


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