Thursday, October 13, 2016

I Know a Fancy Word!

For one of my classes I had to write an ekphrastic exercise. It is a pretty standard writing prompt. You take as your subject a particular thing (often a piece of art) and you use that as a starting point or as a central theme or as a structuring device. Basically you use the first thing as a jumping off point to do something else. Ekphrastics are pretty common in poetry (“Ode to a Grecian Urn” anybody?).

I’ve had the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch on my mind lately because there is a documentary coming out about him and I keep reminding myself that I need to catch it when it is in town. And because he was a super weird fucking dude. Kind of a mash-up of Dante and Salvador Dali.

So I decided to start with Bosch’s “The Garden of Earthly Delights". The results are below.

By no means am I claiming this is any good. It just happens to be a thing I wrote today.


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