Monday, December 29, 2014

Still at the Bar.

There is a girl across the bar from me with bottle blond hair that looks more like metal than sunlight. She’s wearing black tights and a red, blue, and black flannel, but she’s too young to actually remember that flannel was a socio-political statement once — in so far as anything for which one has to pay can really ever exactly be a socio-political statement other than “Yay Capitalism!” — and she just noticed me looking at her and now she is aggressively not looking at me. It makes me want to be all like, “No! But I am not one of those guys! I’m okay! I’m all about the #yesallwomen thing!” But, alas, that is the point, isn’t it? We judge other people based on their behavior but we only judge ourselves based on our intentions.

So. I am a creepy guy at the airport, I guess is the point of this post.


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