Monday, September 30, 2019

So like a compass in a snowstorm, I found a dive bar (shocking, I know) and the drunky couple next to me is (lovingly but unprovoked) whisper-singing old Oasis songs to each other and it makes me think, maybe that’s what life should be, you know?But then I also think, Oasis??! Really? Maybe what’s important in life is to find ways to connect to other humans without vanity, but also maybe what’s really important is to only ever connect with other humans who understand that Oasis really only ever had two good albums and even then, “good” is debatable. #truelove

My occasional hobby of sneaking into really fancy places using nothing but my white privilege proves to once again have zero consequences. Funny how that works. Unrelated: anybody want to buy some really fancy flatware?

I think I got off the bus in the wrong place ... this does not look like a college campus ... oh well, guess I’m walking. Good thing I wore shoes today.

Look at this ocean I found! Did anybody even know this was here?!