Airborne JellyFish,
What Burnouts Have Taught Me About The Odyssey
There is something heroic,
pure almost,
Odyssean maybe,
about setting off
across vast
and endless distances
in a shitty car.
Early 2000 Hyundais
all have the same
paint problem,
as if all
attacked by
airborne jellyfish.
They all look battle-scarred
of course,
they are
because only
the very poorest
of people
drive them.
My once
once pointed
to my tires
and explained
that steel cord there
wound tight beneath thin rubber,
you’re not supposed to be able to see it.
I think of him often
when I fill my tires
at gas stations,
something non-poverty people never do.
The jut-jut-jut-jut-jut
of 75 cent air pump
reminding you
your tires leak because you’re poor.
The siren song
of distant edges
of endless distances
means more
when you can’t afford to get there
the horizon remains
always a promised land.
I’ve never arrived
at Ellis Island
in damp peacoat
throbbing from
marketing majesty
that is
Lady Liberty,
but I Imagine
that deliverance
is similar to
driving to
shit job
while considering
Hyundai into concrete
and rebar divider.
Many of my friends now are young women
- attribute no meaning to this -
they’re always high
on Taylor Swift and
know Miley Cyrus
in place of
Gloria Steinem
and they ask me:
- always while I’m drinking,
I don’t know why,
maybe I’m always drinking
or maybe they’re always asking,
or maybe I just drink and imagine them -
why I’m friends
with the obvious meth addicts
in our building,
or the 7-11 homeless guy
who looks - to me -
like Agamemnon.
I’ve never properly
been able to
kinship I feel
to burn-outs.
Allegiance always
to triple-shift ephedrine waiters,
cocaine-awake bartenders,
slim white shirt hostesses with
cobweb ballet dreams
and a fifth of flavored vodka
split with the busboy
who wants to fuck her.
I wanta save them all
because I know them all
shades of them.
I want,
like from Dunkirk
to save them all
when they need saving most.
I have actually - no shit actually -
seen the best minds
of my generation
by poverty;
without the privilege
of Columbia.
Drinking Popov
to death,
raising two little girls
on Jack-in-the-Box wages,
feeding families off-brand Chef Boyardee,
97 cents a can from the 99 Cent Store.
Angelheaded hipsters
weren’t never
nothen’ but
white middle-class college kids.
Hippies weren’t never idealists,
just youthful fuck-drunk narcissists,
charred draft cards,
parents’ homes to go home to.
I’m angry.
I’m angry,
feel betrayed
by Kerouac
and Ginsberg,
I’m angry at
Steinbeck and Hemingway,
Carver and S. Thompson
They prepared us none
for Buzzfeed,
encouraged us not
to learn to code.
The starry dynamo of the night
turns out
was just a billboard
for The American Century.
Promised us
wordy greatness
in perfectly typeset letters
on inside bend
of elbows, knees,
pretty drugs,
and trim thighs,
but now
we recognize
how white grace easy arrogant
it was
to be
a superpower, and
it benefit even
counterculture revolutionaries,
when 1946 we were
only earth nation
still able to mass-produce a car
or steel widgets
or plastic red cups
or perfectly throbbing dildos
or electrified nipple clips
or pink atom bombs.
Electric kool-aid acid test my ass.
Self-fellatio as good as vomitoriums.
Those who do not
study history are doomed
to remix it
and so we EDM.
I want a Tickle-Me-Elmo
Jimmy Carter doll.
I want the roof beams
of the White House
to ache
with the weight
of solar panels
like used doublewides do
with spent
Direct TV dishes.
Don’t want
a tax break.
I want
a guillotine
on a carnival float,
and police-free hours
on Park Avenue,
on Wall Street.
Bob Dylan sold
100 million records,
been a celebrity
since he was 22:
Mick Jagger is 72 years old.
Paul McCartney is a billionaire
and then some.
Hendrix had the decency to die.
And Hamlet, god love him.
And Neal Cassady.
Biggie, John Lennon, Keith Haring, Basquiat, Jeff Buckley, Warhol, Jim Morrison,
Janis Joplin,
Jesus, Django Reinhardt, Kurt Cobain, Virginia Woolf, Robert Johnson, Tupac, Brian Jones, Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, Sylvia Plath and Tyler Durden.
Not to venerate suicide,
I just wanta
drive my Hyundai
endless distances
powered by sunlight
and citrus,
and hope without
a barcode.
I want a pod for escape
from the bullshit
of ever being hungry
in this county.
Can you even believe
any of us go hungry
in this country,
which is made
mostly of donuts?
I want
one grenade
for one engine
of each G6
at Las Vegas airport
for a UFC fight.
From the day he left
to the day
he saw Penelope again,
it took Odysseus
twenty years.
Google Maps says
you can drive it
in 13 hours.
Gotta wonder
did he really
even wanta get home?
Or just
live in the distances?
ignore new Rolling Stones albums
or movies about the Beats.
Or did he
just wanta kill some cyclops,
fuck Circe on her knees,
drive the interstates,
Mushrooms at KOAs
and group sex in hostels?
Did he just wanta drive his Hyundai into the sea
instead of the median?
Or did he
just wanta go
until the tires gave out
and marooned him
on a HitchBOT highway shoulder
with nothing left
but whatever the fuck
stretched before him?